WEBINAR: Mind Mapping for Effective Meetings

Learn how Mind Mapping can be applied to meetings to harness better the collective intelligence of your teams.

Category: Product ID: 21427


In this one hour webinar participants will learn:

  • What is a Mind Map & how to make an effective one?
  • A simple 3 step methodology for conducting effective meetings using Mind Maps.

Additional takeaway for participants:

  • Complimentary copy of the book “How to have Mind Blowing, Engaging & Energizing Meetings” (for India participants)
  • Get Biggerplate (the biggest online Mind Mapping repository) Pro Membership for a year which allows access to high quality live and on demand webinars on wide ranging applications of Mind Mapping.
  • Get 25% discount on Mind Mapping Software Skill Certification from Biggerplate.
  • 30% discount on purchase of any book from our webshop. (for India deliveries)

Number of  Participants: 10-40

For the course commercials and to book a session, drop us a message by clicking here using the Subject “Mind Mapping for Effective Meetings”.