- Featured in “Best Books by Independent Publishers” by abcFOX &
- Book Viral Annual award entrant.
- Featured in World Book Fair & International Book Fair, INDIA.
- The first book globally to showcase Mind Mapping opportunities along the complete project lifecycle.
- Transform your traditional Project Management practices using Radiant Thinking.
- Harness your project teams collective intelligence while maximizing every project team members creativity.
- Helps Project leaders strengthen their most important skills for managing projects.
- Get free access to 40 Mind Map templates to kick start your Project Management journey.
Book Reviews
“Tony Buzan created a worldwide phenomenon with Mind Maps, but as with any revolutionary system that explores human thought, subsequent interpretations can often prove less insightful. Fortunately, Mind Maps for Effective Project Management by Maneesh Dutt bucks this trend to deliver an authoritative and clearly presented guide to unleashing their potential.”
– Spotlight review
“Much progress results when different streams of human understanding are brought together. This book is about such an epiphany – that the traditionally left-brain working of industry can be greatly enriched by the creative potential of mind-maps. Our process-oriented industries need more creativity… so it is definitely worth investing some time to evaluate this book and its thesis for yourself!”
– Manas Fuloria, Co-founder and CEO, Nagarro