ONLINE COACHING: Finding Life Directions


De-Stress & find Life Directions using Mind Map Mandalas

Category: Product ID: 21441


“The Purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better”Robert F. Kennedy

If you ask anybody what they want in life, you would probably get the usual answer, viz, happiness, which is perceptibly linked to financial freedom, fame etc. Yes, it is true that money and fame can be good indicators of a “successful” life in today’s world. You will find that deep inside though, consciously or unconsciously, that each one of us is looking for fulfillment rather than success. The general perspective in life is that we need to pursue “success” to have a “fulfilling” life whereas the truth seems to be the other way around. “Success” should be the by-product of a “fulfilling” life. Success is external while fulfillment represents the internal.

These coaching sessions, based on my book LIVE LIFE COLORFULLY will involve  5  one on one sessions ( preferably 1/week) following a three step methodology using Mind Map Mandalas to help you discover your uniqueness and your life path.

Interested? Drop us a message by clicking here and we will co-ordinate the dates for the sessions with you.