Recently I was conducting a session on Advanced Project Management using Mind Maps for a group of bright employees from a large MNC. I was deeply impressed by the high level of participation of the group over the two days of the session. These were Project Managers from a diverse background ranging from R&D, New Product Introduction, HR to even Hotel Infra Management. However, (and I have experienced this many a times earlier also) in spite of the project diversity the challenges being faced were quite similar: having a clear project statement, an approved charter, managing cross functional teams, keeping the team motivated during the project life cycle etc. etc. And in any challenging situation what do we need?: clarity in our thought process, an accurate consolidation of all the facts on hand and finally generative thinking to identify clear cut actions to take us forward. This is exactly what Mind Mapping offers: clarifying our thoughts by making them visible on a piece of paper in a brain friendly manner, summarizing large information sets on a single sheet and of course allowing free flowing brainstorming without losing focus. That’s why my message “When the going gets tough…try Mind Mapping” and then even before you know it, you will start using this simple yet powerful tool on a daily basis.
Post the session all the participants received a copy of my book “Mind Maps for Effective Project Management” and access to ready to use Mind Map templates along the complete project life cycle.
Among all the encouraging feedback received from the participants, there was one which aptly summarizes the power of Mind Mapping: “Mind Maps is a very interesting and simple tool to be used at almost all the levels in the organization right from Project Management, Root cause analysis, Resource Allocation, meetings etc..”
That is the power of Mind Mapping , its flexibility and wide usage canvas. So next time you are in a tough situation , take a deep breath and give Mind Mapping a try !
If you are interested in reactions from participants after attending my workshops click here
Feel to drop me an email by clicking here for any additional details you may need.
Happy Mind Mapping !