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Info-graphic: Things to know about Mind Mapping

Info-graphic: Things to know about Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is a unique thinking tool that can help you to better analyse, comprehend, synthesis and generate new ideas. Mind Mapping helps individuals to decipher the language of the brain and enhance their creativity. The infographic explains how mind mapping can be useful for a wide variety of activities that involve thinking, planning and learning.

Mind Mapping is a powerful technique that helps you learn more effectively, enhance creative problem solving skills, brainstorm innovative ideas quickly and memorize & recall information easily. From writing books to managing business projects, mind maps have many applications in business, personal and educational situations. The best way to learn how to use mind maps to unleash your brain’s potential is to attend mind mapping workshops. Maneesh Dutt, a ThinkBuzan Licensed Instructor and writer of the book “Mind Maps for Effective Project Management” organizes mind mapping workshops and teaches how to use mind maps to unlock the dynamic potential of the brain. See the Infographic in the image at the top to know more about the benefits of attending mind mapping workshops organized by Maneesh Dutt.