How to Help Your Child Focus & Concentrate


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This Book is for you IF

… you are at your wits end while teaching your kids

…you believe that there must be a more creative way to teach

…you are willing to invest a little more time to learn techniques to make learning fun for your kids

…you truly believe that children are more intelligent than us

It is easy for a child to ensure laser like focus while playing or when engaged in something of his/her interest. A child does not need to learn to concentrate and focus. He is a natural at it! The real problem statement is, therefore, not how to increase a child’s ability to concentrate. It is in fact how to revolutionize our teaching methodologies to match the energy and enthusiasm of a child.

This is what this Book is all about.


“Maneesh presents a strong case in point to make learning enjoyable for students leveraging on the inherent strengths of a child. The Book is full of ready to use practical advice. It is a must read for both eager as well as anxious parents along with teachers, who would like to make the learning process more engaging for a child.”

“Pramod Maheswari, CMD & CEO, Career Point Ltd, Chancellor, Career Point University Kota (Rajashthan) & Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh), India”

 “I first met Maneesh when he attended one of ThinkBuzan’s Mind Mapping courses. Maneesh shares his experience and passion for the application of Mind Mapping in this book, and both you and your child will benefit from its teachings.”

Chris Griffiths, Founder and CEO, OpenGenius, the parent company of ThinkBuzan, creators of the iMindMap, DropTask and Tec Marina. Best-selling author, GRASP: The Solution, Penarth, Wales

“There is a dire need to make learning simple and engaging for children in this age of excess information. Mind map is an important technique to understand and combine various elements of a topic/subject. I believe Maneesh’s book with his insights and practical techniques of using Mind maps will really benefit both students and teacher.”

Vinay Sharma, Business head – Digital & Services, S. Chand Group, India’s leading education content and services company