A More “Creative” Definition for Projects

A More “Creative” Definition for Projects

“Project” as a term is generally and loosely applied to a range of initiatives across industry. Anything from writing a book to setting up a multi-billion dollar plant can, and must be, classified as a “Project”.

Independent of the project type; we would all agree that a project is always a “new creation” of varying degree and at the same time demands “creativity” not only in the definition of the new product/service but also while managing the project.

But, when we can look at the various common definitions of a project we find an inherent primary focus on the project constraint system of time , quality and cost, in various hues. These definitions, although have a sound logic, they have a strong left brain (rational, logical, order etc.) flavor. To question it in another way : Do these project definitions really inspire “creativity”, a vital ingredient in the successful execution of any project?

So, why should we not have a more “creative” and compelling definition for a Project, which at the outset demands greater creativity from the project players?

One such proposed definition (Ref: “Mind Maps for Effective Project Management) is:

“A Project is a creative endeavor to build a product or service engaging all the stakeholders meaningfully thereby exceeding or meeting the expectations of the end customer”.

In contrast to the usual left brained definitions of a project, we find elements of right: “creative”, “engaging”, “meaningfully”, “expectations…customer”; in effect making the definition more holistic.

To read more, grab a copy of my book “Mind Maps for Effective Project Management”, available on all leading online bookstores.

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