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Making Projects Fun, Lean & Engaging

Making Projects Fun, Lean & Engaging

After completing his daily grind, a project manager heads for the soccer field to relieve himself of the tensions of the day. Despite an intense game of soccer he feels refreshed and wonders why after burning so many calories he feels invigorated whereas after office hours he feels sapped of energy without burning as many calories?

The difference is due to the fact that office is equated with “work time” whereas soccer represents “play time”. Interestingly, the more we are involved in an activity, the less it feels like work. Put another way, our level of engagement with an activity defines whether our mind equates it with “work” or “play”. So the moot question is: can projects be made more engaging? Decades of “standard” project management practices are giving way to a definite movement towards making project management practices more engaging. Techniques such as Agile have started to introduce an essence of fun into projects. But is that enough?

Would it not be wonderful if the Project Team had a tool which could help them manage projects in a more fun, lean and most importantly in a more engaging manner? That is exactly the gap that Radiant thinking through Mind Mapping, as opposed to conventional linear thinking, can help fill.

Interested in more? Grab your copy of “Mind Maps for Effective Project Management” by clicking here. (available on all leading stores including Amazon).

Book a 1 hour Introductory guest lecture on Mind Mapping for your organisation/institute by clicking here.

Also you may enjoy this 2 minute video..